Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Advantages of Learning Online

It's no secret that, with the economy, many folks (especially those who are through with college) are moving their education to the realm of the Internet. Whether you're a student looking to learn more about a subject before taking a class to get a better grade more easily or an adult looking to enhance your skills before sending out resumes, there are a million different websites looking to teach you a million different subjects.

Why here? Why now?

I have spent more than a decade now connected to the Internet daily. My passion is to learn, especially linguistics and computer science. I learn about many things and have amassed a wealth of resources over the years. My other fulfillment in life comes from helping others and sharing with the world. Thus, when I find a great resource, I immediately email all my friends who share the interest.

That's why I started this blog: To create a community built around a list of the greatest resources for every subject imaginable. I hope with this site, many will join in the conversation, benefiting from others' input and providing their own.

Here's a great run-down of the pros and cons of learning online. There's an emphasis for degree-oriented goals there, but it's a good starting point for beginning the discussion of whether or not this is for you.

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